21 February 2014

How to get Latitude and Longitude (geographic coordinates)

You need Latitude and Longitude of a place (address, city, etc.).
There is a good tool for each life situation, so let's check the possibilities.

1. You have a few thousands of addresses and you need its geographic coordinates. The answer is Batch Geocoding.

08 February 2014

Total % of internet users

Cross-stitching is good for everything also for presenting data. One of the most sophisticated ways of working with data ;)

In 1994 five people out of 1000 had access to the internet, in 2012 36 out of 100.

We are in the point when one third of world's population uses internet, it is symbolised by the person in the pink t-shirt (one out of three).

02 February 2014

Bill Gates, poverty and snack

Bill Gates wrote to me to inform how the world has changed since '89. To be honest he just tweeted :) so no reason to keep this confidential: Gates annual letter.

The most interesting to me was the chart showing change in percentage of people living on less than $1.25 per day, so I decided to create my version, check both.

QGIS basic tutorial 2 - merging administrative divisions

Let's analyse a situation, you have a data set and you have something, what looks like the matching shape file, you think cheerfully that the data set will fit to the shape file like a hand to the glove. Unfortunately, life isn't so easy. Some shape files aren't updated regularly, it is common that administrative districts with low population density are joined to the neighbouring districts. It is worth to compare the number of districts in your data sets with the shape file. If you see any gap, try to find information about changes, so you will know which districts should be merged.